1. Problem

List top 1-3 problems

Existing Alternatives

How are these problems being solved today?

4. Solution

Outline a possible solution for each problem.

7. Cost Structure

Fixed and variable costs







2. Customer Segments

Target customers and users

Early Adopters

Characteristics of ideal users

People ready to share their residence and earn money as hosts

5. Channels

Path to customers - inbound or outbound

8. Key Metrics

Key numbers that tell you how your business is doing

3. Unique Value Proposition

Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention.

High-level Concept

List our X for Y analogy eg. YouTube = Flickr for Videos

Everyone can become a host

Sharing economy

<aside> 🔶 AirBnB = DALL-E for Shortcuts


6. Revenue Streams

Sources of revenue

Fees for travellers

9. Unfair Advantage ⭐

Something that cannot be easily bought or copied