The first half will help you review, learn from, and celebrate the year you’re leaving behind.
The second half, on the other hand, is all about the future. You’ll be dreaming, planning, and preparing to get the most out of the new year.
A few hours of uninterrupted focus, and an open and honest mind.
Prepare your tools and the space around you. Close your eyes and take five deep breaths.
Let go of your expectations. Start when you feel ready.
We live our lives through distinct but interconnected aspects. Take a look at the areas below and ask yourself what the significant events in each of them were. Write down your answers.
The wisest decision I made…
The biggest lesson I learned…
The biggest risk I took…
The biggest surprise of the year…
The most important thing I did for others…
The biggest thing I completed…
What are you most proud of?
Who are the three people who influenced you the most?
Who are the three people you influenced the most?
What were you not able to accomplish?
What is the best thing you have discovered about yourself?
What are you most grateful for?
Describe the greatest and most memorable, joyful moments from last year. Draw them on this sheet. How did you feel? Who was there with you? What were you doing? What kind of smells, sounds or tastes do you remember?
List your three greatest accomplishments from last year here.
What did you do to achieve these?
Who helped you achieve these successes? How?
List your three biggest challenges from last year here.
Who or what helped you overcome these challenges?
What have you learned about yourself by overcoming these challenges?
Did anything happen during the past year that still needs to be forgiven? Deeds or words that made you feel bad? Or are you angry with yourself? Write it down here. Do yourself good by forgiving.*
** If you don’t feel ready to forgive yet, jot it down anyway. It can work wonders.*
Is there anything else you need to say? Is there anything you have to let go of before you can start your next year? Draw or write, then think about it and let it all go.
Choose three words to define your past year.
A book or a movie was made about your past year. What title would you give it?
<aside> 🎞️
If there is anything else left that you would like to write down, or there is anybody you would like to say goodbye to, do it now.